Saturday, October 19, 2013

Help the Yellow Meeple Raise Money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals with Extra Life

Photo courtesy of Dr. Wictz's Board Games

Our Yellow Meeple is in Indiana right now with his other meeple fire ranger friends to help Jim & Adrienne Jones of Great Big Table raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals during their October 25-27, 2013, Extra Life game-a-thon.  The meeples need your help too!

Last year, Jim & Adrienne reached out to us with the story of their young daughter, asking if we could support their 2012 game-a-thon. It was an easy decision for us. When they asked, they had no idea that our family had its own children’s hospital experience a decade earlier.

We sent a copy of our newly published Fill The Barn game along with our donation last fall. This year we have no new (published) game to accompany the donation, so instead we offered up a prototype copy of a cooperative game that had earlier caught Jim’s & Adrienne’s interest.  And while game designers always have spare meeples here and there, we were very careful to send a specific meeple to Indiana.

This specific yellow meeple gained a slight bit of notoriety when it was used for some Firebreak play testing at the Unpub Zone during Congress of Gamers at the end of September.  Bruce from The Party Gamecast committed early to using the yellow meeple to save the airport from the spreading wildfire. And what a valiant effort it was – we lost the game, but by golly the airport was still standing.

That same yellow meeple has also been used by our younger son Thomas during at-home testing of Firebreak. Thomas always plays yellow during family game time. Thomas is also an alumnus of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia NICU.

I originally had a different blog written to promote Extra Life. That first blog told much more about the story of Thomas. Yet when I checked with Thomas, he wasn’t really comfortable with us sharing those details of his early life.  As his parents we respect that.  Ask Thomas about the first several weeks of his life and he will simply tell you that his lungs were too small, he was in the hospital, and God made him better. And if you are reading this blog, it means Thomas is comfortable with this shorter version of his early life.

Whether our yellow meeple and his friends get any prototype play time controlling wildfires during the Jim & Adrienne Jones game-a-thon isn’t what’s really important.  There are some things that are far more important than my game designer ego…like raising money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

 Jim & Adrienne Jones are using their game-a-thon to raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital (Indiana), the hospital that helped their young daughter. Clicking on their names will take you to the donation page. Even if you can only donate $1, those dollars add up.

I will also mention Matt Morgan and Team Explanation Point. Full disclosure, I don’t know Matt or anyone one his team.  All I know from a recent Boardroomers podcast is that Matt & his team are using their Nov 2nd Extra Life game-a-thon to raise money for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. While the yellow meeple may not be at this Extra Life game-a-thon , CHOP will always be near and dear to our hearts.

There will be Extra Life game-a-thons occurring all over the country this fall to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. You can donate to any participant from the top right corner of Extra Life’s web page.  Search for #ExtraLife in your Twitter feed and you will find several game players participating in various game-a-thons for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.  Please pick one to support.  Whether you can give $20, $5, or only $1, it will all go to a good cause, one that benefits real children in real families.  If you ever see me at an Unpub playtest event, I’m happy to share more about our very real story of what one Children’s Miracle Network Hospital did for our family.